Mirvac – National Operational standards

Melbourne, Australia


Future Food have a long history of consulting on Mirvac’s food and hospitality projects all across Australia for over 10 years. Mirvac chose Future Food to deliver a set of National Food and Beverage Operations Manuals as a set of guidelines and minimum operating standards for all food categories including the fresh food offers, cafés, kiosk, food court, restaurants and speciality food outlets. 

Future Food delivered this seminal scope of work that recognises the need for standardisation of best practice of operating standards as essential if positive customer experiences are to be maximised. The ongoing success of Mirvac’s food and beverage precincts lies upon the overarching framework that empowers Centre Management and Operators to achieve the higher vision for the food and hospitality visual merchandising statement of the venue. 

The National Food and Beverage Operations Manuals support Centre Management and Operators in identifying and sharing the principals and opportunities for food and hospitality best practice standards for individual outlets and the food and beverage precincts. Future Food developed the text content and collated the suitable supporting images sourced from the Mirvac database, Future Food database and purchase of required images.

It has been proven time and time again that positive experiences maximise spend and repeat patronage. Mirvac shopping centres, commercial buildings and mixed-use developments continuously strive to find a genuine and sustainable point of difference for their business through high standards of food and hospitality which has proven to deliver a real differentiation.

Business of Food Highlight

  • National Operations Standards Manual - Prepared Food 

  • National Operations Standards Manual - Fresh Food


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