Geelong exhibition centre

Victoria, Australia

NH Architecture engaged Future Food as F&B specialist in the development of the Geelong Convention and Exhibition Centre; Concept Development & Feasibility and the resulting Functional and Technical Brief. 

Its location in a prominent waterfront site ensure that it had high profile community status and required and careful and considered approach to the design and development.

A number of key stakeholders ensured a balanced approach was undertaken including:

  • NH Architecture

  • Development Victoria

  • MCEC (Identified operator)

  • Plenary Group (PPP)


Our core body of work was focused around the development and analysis of the F&B spending market size for the project across a range of market components including:

  • Business & Events

  • Hotel Spending & Residents

  • Other Tourism

  • Workers 

Future Food also provided expert perspective and review of the Functional and Technical brief (NH Architecture final deliverable)as it related to F&B on the site.

This project is currently under construction (2024).


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