Australian National University
Student Association

Canberra, Australia

Future Food partnered with the Student Union at Australian National University to support and advise on their plans to expand their commercial operations within the campus. The aim was to work with the union’s leadership group to develop a clear understanding of the food and beverage concept they intend to operate and advise them on the conceptual and commercial opportunities within the campus.

The main outcome of this consultancy was to develop a clear concept direction, aligned to the union’s primary aims to provide students and faculty with a curated range of affordable F&B products within a student run venue. Additionally, ANUSA intended on operating a hybrid business model which offered students the ability to activate the space for a range of socially beneficial programs and events. These ideas were communicated in a visually driven document, utilising best practice examples of similar concepts within a University environment.

Through building an in-depth understanding of the concept, Future Food were able to develop a business case which spoke to the commercial implications of an on campus, student run F&B operation. All of this work was balanced by providing estimated start-up costs alongside indicative rosters and projected revenue, which forecasted up to five years in advance.


Future Food Services

  • Key Stakeholder Engagement meetings & workshops.  

  • Assessment of on campus commercial tenancies for their suitability for F&B.

  • Concept & Menu Ideation 

  • Business Case & Operating Cost Analysis 


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