
Getting Your Customer Strike Rate Right in Your Food Precinct

Getting Your Customer Strike Rate Right in Your Food Precinct

Whether your precinct is part of a transport hub, retail centre, arts centre or business park, a good strike rate remains a key part of a highly successful and sustainable food offer as well as overall development with food and hospitality being a major drawcard and anchor for centres and spaces around the world. We’ve put together our quick checklist for what it takes to get your customers using all parts of the precinct, time and time again.

Global City Hopping: Dublin

Global City Hopping: Dublin

June saw Francis Loughran, MD of Future Food, return to his home shore of Ireland where he combined business and pleasure. Whilst in the green isle, Francis spent time to visit friends and family in Belfast, Galway, Cork and Dublin where he also collected insights and inspiration for the three Future Food shopping centre projects in Dublin and learned how food in Ireland is now aligned with its European counterparts...