Health Food

Vegan & Vegetarian meat substitutes and the potential health risks of these food types

Vegan & Vegetarian meat substitutes and the potential health risks of these food types

Generally speaking, vegetarian and vegan lifestyles can be extremely healthy when eating a plant-based diet full of wholefoods, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes etc. Recently, however, there has been an influx of a wide variety of new vegan and vegetarian processed products that do not provide consumers with all of the health benefits you might expect from adhering to a meat-free diet. It is important to ensure that you read the back of the package to really understand what is packed into these faux meat processed foods that may negatively impact on consumer’s health.

Eating Out in Australia: 2017 in Review​​​​​​​

Eating Out in Australia: 2017 in Review​​​​​​​

It’s one thing to say that the food and beverage industry has continued to grow but it’s another to back it up with data. Intermedia have released their annual market research report exploring the spend, behaviour and preference of the Australian population when it comes to eating out. Continue reading to learn just what Australians got up to last when they went out to eat, dine and enjoy. 

Healthy Food Reigns Supreme: Our Health Food Favourites

Healthy Food Reigns Supreme: Our Health Food Favourites

Following on from last week’s post on how healthy food options are now becoming the stock standard of food precincts around the globe, we are going to have a quick look at a couple of our favourite wholesome offerings that have popped up on the scene as the health food movement has moved through.

Bye Bye Burgers and Fries: The Rise of Healthy Food in Food Precincts

Bye Bye Burgers and Fries: The Rise of Healthy Food in Food Precincts

Walk through a Future Food-curated food precinct Today and you won’t see any fast food majors in sight. Nor are the people using these spaces asking for them. This is because, for a growing number of consumers, health is at the forefront of their consciousness so the ‘cheeseburger and fries’ does not quite cut it anymore. Not only do fast food options not quite cut it but people are measuring health differently now. We’ve moved beyond counting calories and into the era of good, honest food that people see as nutritious and nourishing...