
F&B Operator Procurement Strategies – Delivering on the Vision

F&B Operator Procurement Strategies – Delivering on the Vision

In the current business environment, securing the best F&B operators within your project, development or institution, can be challenging. This may be compounded, by shifting operator demands, (complicated lease conditions, staged incentives, abatement clauses, etc) and a new expectation of rental revenue models, what is the rental return that can realistically be achieved?

Reconnecting with Customers

Reconnecting with Customers

Building Loyalty and Maximising Sales by leveraging unique Points of Difference (PODs)

Maintaining a loyal and diverse customer base has never been more important in a time when most consumers are scrutinising how and where they spend their disposable income. In the last six months priorities and spending habits have shifted for consumers, while some customer segments have continued to purchase, in one form or another, there will also be a need to re-establish or reconnect with others in order to begin the journey back to previous levels of revenue and eventual profitability.

The Australian Craft Beverage Movement – Reshaping the F&B Landscape

The Australian Craft Beverage Movement – Reshaping the F&B Landscape

The craft beverage movement has been building significant momentum over the past 10 years and has subsequently reshaped the liquor industry as we know it. With craft brewing, small scale local distilleries and small batch wine production capturing greater market share year on year, we are seeing a shift in the market towards quality over quantity and experiential over mainstream.

How food and hospitality can flourish in the next normal

How food and hospitality can flourish in the next normal

Retail Relationships Rewarding Foodies

As we witness the gradual relaxing of restrictions placed on food operators state by state and an uncertain return to trading, one thing is certain – the Food & Hospitality will inevitably recover. In fact, the latest credit card data from both the ANZ and CBA shows that spending on F&B is coming up from its lows.

People are social creatures by nature, with hospitality ingrained in our way of life - albeit it to differing degrees from person to person granted! Moreover, there is still a considerable amount of latent demand: Pre-COVID levels of demand for F&B were not a fad as consumers’ interaction with Hospitality is a practice that has been building over the last two decades.

Eating with Your Eyes – Food, Design and Social Media

Eating with Your Eyes – Food, Design and Social Media

We live in a digital era where we are all critics. Social media and the Internet, in general, drive our ability to offload our opinions on every element in our lives. Food is a major part of this because our exposure to food globally has dramatically changed. We can view the latest trends from around the world while sitting on our couches. All businesses, but especially F&B operators, need to adapt to this new normal and recognise that their presence cannot just be confined to within their four walls.

Use social media but use it tastefully. The key to remember is that the online personality of your business has to match both the in-store experience and the profile of your customers. Use digital communications to draw customers in and then deliver the best. Represent who you are and what you have to deliver. Above all, be genuine and be real.